It's always nice seeing a band you've never heard of before and then absolutely loving their stuff! That's exactly what happened when we saw The Envy in Brantford at HockeyFest! There was an instant love for their music, they are a little harder then I expected when I saw them take the stage but they definitely blew us away. As soon as their set was over Marlee and I made our way over to their merch table to ask when their next show was, and with our luck they were playing The Mod Club the following Friday in Toronto! So it was secured at that moment, we were going! We later found out that they were going to be sharing the stage with our friends in The Little Black Dress and we were beyond excited. We started working away to find out what we had to do to get into the show. With the help from Dan Sadowski of The Little Black Dress we were in!
It was The Envy's first headlining show in Toronto so I was curious to see if they could pull off a full set, and they set me straight. They OWNED that stage, they incorporated so much into their live show above everyone's incredible stage presence. Shaun Frank was born to front a band, he doesn't stop moving when he's on stage always giving someone, something to look it! I loved it, down to their stage set up was different. They had Izzy (the drummer) elevated and on the left side of the stage and with the added light show it was the coolest effect. They also had what must have been over 20 TV's on stage to really add to the atmosphere and performance. It was so cool to see a band who is currently on the up and coming really prove themselves as a band making sure everyone in the room was seeing something they had never seen before. I believe there set was just about an hour including tons of songs and what every set needs an amazing guitar and drum solo.
Basically what I'm getting at here is, The Envy is amazing, we were lucky eno

The band has decided not to head out on tour with KISS and focus on their music! They are going into the studio to finish their first album to give the fans something to put their hands on!!
Check back for details on The Envy!!!
PhotoCred: Jen Ellis of Zebra Print Sky