Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Final Thought in Barrie... Marlee Drove this time, well kinda?
Faber drive ended, we went home had a short night sleep followed by a full 8 hour shift at work,THEN it was time to get in the car and head to Barrie. We were going to see a band we met last week at SCENEFest - Final Thought.
From what could possibly have been a 45 minute drive turned into about an hour and a half with all the traffic due to the fact that it was Canada Day weekend. Despite the bumper to bumper traffic we made the best of it and rocked out the entire drive there to our newest mix CD. Once arriving at the venue, we parked and went inside where we were greeted guys handing out lemonade to kick off the summer!
Final thought put on a great upbeat, non stop, flowing, entertaining set! They played a bunch of different tracks including a new hit "Tell All Your Friends", and a wicked cover of Ke$ha's Tik Tok! But what we found to be a wicked addition to the set was the audio clips played in between each song. At one point we were listening to an except from The Hangover, we thought it was pretty neat.
If you guys don't already get the point, we think they are awesome! This was the first and certainly not the last time we will see them, if you haven't checked them out yet... GO NOW!
Final Thought - Myspace